Learn how this new three-year cycle of Saturn in Pisces will help you channel your imagination.

We had a cosmically, visceral night with one of our favorite astrologers, Britten LaRue.     

If you want to learn how Saturn in Pisces will influence you and how you can harness this energy over the next 3 years to your “Highest Level” of expression, then this workshop …. is one you don't want to miss!

Read On + Get the Replay! ↓↓↓

We tend to think of limitation as a negative thing.

But limitation ignites creativity. Picasso limited his color palette for his famous Blue period.

People fear making the wrong choice.

Or we compare our limitations with others and feel as though we are wrong. It is useful to remember that the blank canvas requires the artist to make a mark at the very outset of creation.

Our perceived limitations, wounds, and shame are not problems. 

Limitations spark creativity. They are the source of transformation.

Saturn will be in the sign of Pisces from March 2023 until February 2026.

We often fear Saturnian energy because Saturn rules our relationship to constriction, discipline, and limitation. Astrologers also point to this timeframe as an incredible opportunity to heal shame and learn valuable lessons about yourself.

Pisces is that part of you that is incredibly vast and boundless.

All possibilities exist in the Piscean realm. And when Saturn comes into Pisces, Saturn asks our imagination to take on form and contours.

These boundaries allow us to see a pattern and form a perspective.

Sacred Astrology

Join The Wild Ones and Britten LaRue for this timely workshop where you will learn how Saturn is affecting you for the next three years and how to navigate this energy.

In this workshop, Britten invites you to trust Saturn’s limiting requests are nothing to fear. Rather, Saturn is helping you create from your dream field.

This is something we deeply need here on planet earth.

Britten LaRue is known for helping people reprogram their relationship to Saturn so they can experience humor, love, and trust.

This workshop will be an absolute game-changer for you as you navigate your next three years.

Saturn brings our awareness to the ticking clock. However, the burden of time isn’t felt by Pisces. Instead, Pisces is boundless imagination.

Pisces knows no limits.

It is the part of us that feels the vastness beyond time. Britten will show you how Saturn in Pisces is an invitation to play with new ways of experiencing time.

Join Britten for this workshop and radically rewire your relationship to Time while Saturn in is Pisces.

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By the end of 90 min, you will…


Learn the best way to prepare for this transit according to your rising sign.


Techniques for building trust with the Saturnian authority inside of yourself.

One Time Payment

Own the workshop for life and download instantly for only $44


Tips for accessing the imaginative ZONE of your Pisces self.


Magical practices for relating to Time more expansively.

Insights + ♡ for the Workshop

“This already has me feeling so very emotional. I wasn’t allowed to wonder, play, be a child. I had to grow up so fast. I could never just enjoy the world and myself. Saturn as a magical tool. ✨ I knew this was what I needed to be working on now. And, how wonderfully terrifying. This is unmasking for me after years of trying to be neurotypical when I am autistic.”

-Samar J.

“Limitations are guides. Thank you!”


“"Let people not understand you.”

-Liz G.

“As a VPP this resonates so much, feel so "trampled" by the Overculture like you said, ready to change that with Saturn thank you thank you”

-Tara R.

“New mindset around my marriage and how I can better relate and communicate”

-Amber H.

“Potential vs. Emergence! Potential implies something is wrong with you now… Thanks, Britten! I remember a class you did years ago. 💖”


“The importance of a container for the magic!”

-Beth W.

“🙂 I received more acceptance for my current feelings/intuition, more clarity on Pisces energy, and inspiration to connect with my Piscean WONDER”

-Catalina D.

〰️ Free Offering

✦ Sacred Astrology

🜃 Potent Practices

〰️ Free Offering ✦ Sacred Astrology 🜃 Potent Practices


Britten LaRue

…is a reformed academic who now teaches, writes, and offers transformational readings from a place of sacred unknowing.

She sees astrology as a powerful and ancient tool for dreaming new timelines into being while courageously reprogramming from harmful conditioning.

Creator of Emergence Astrology, Britten’s goal is to conjure resonant language from her own truth in order to illuminate the truth emerging inside of you.

Former academic. Single mom. Lover. Magician. Britten helps you access mystical tools to intuit your way in the dark.