Learn the three keys to creating a new reality and manifesting what you really want with Astrology. ⚠️Warning, it works!

Today, so many people have a passion for astrology, but don’t understand its TRUE power.

Maybe you have first-hand experience with the wisdom and guidance your birth chart has revealed to you. You know that what’s happening in the sky above impacts your life on 🌎 earth below.

…and maybe you are still having trouble integrating this wisdom into everyday life.

Despite having learned the meanings of the signs, planets, and houses… your mind goes blank whenever you look at your birth chart.

…and even when you can make meaningful interpretations, you’re struggling to do something *practical and powerful* with your chart.

In this workshop, Hellenistic Astrologer, Matthew Kenny, will teach you how to make astrology practical, so you can co-create with the universe and manifest anything YOU want!

Learn the most common mistakes that people make as they try to master astrology AND you can avoid them.

You'll leave this workshop knowing how to understand your birth chart in real, concrete terms, so you can transcend difficult placements and align with your ✨ purpose.

“The more I work with Matthew, the more it seems that the sky is the limit for healing as well as life possibilities that seemed completely unreachable before. It is truly miraculous.”

-Rose T.

Sacred Astrology

Prediction, remediation, and 🪄magic ⎯ are taboo Astrological topics and are being kept secret from the mainstream.

There are whole dimensions to Astrology beyond the psychology and personality description that can completely change your LIFE forever when properly implemented.

Working with Merlin is like having a direct line to the Ancients themselves. His extensive knowledge of the classical texts made me feel like I was studying the mysteries in an Elysian temple. I felt like I was studying under Plato himself. I knew I was in really good hands.” 

Kristina B.

Tuesday, January 23rd @6:00 - 7:30 pm (MST)

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It’s Free!

By the end of 90 min, you will …


Align your energies with 🎆 celestial forces for abundance and success


Deepen your capacity of Astrology through ⎯remediation and magical remedies to transmute difficult placements in the natal chart


Learn why you need to avoid the three greatest pitfalls that hinder your ✨manifestation abilities


Learn how to make astrology practical, so you can co-create with the universe and manifest anything YOU want!

〰️ Free Offering

✦ Sacred Astrology

🜃 Potent Practices

〰️ Free Offering ✦ Sacred Astrology 🜃 Potent Practices


Matthew Kenny

Practicing Hellenistic Astrologer, a translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, and a ceremonial magician.

Matthew has shared his teachings on astrology, ritual magic, and meditation at Kepler College, the Academy of Oracle Arts, Nightlight Astrology, and of course, The Wild Ones!

Founder of The School of Heaven and Earth with his wife Crystal Woodling. When not practicing astrology and casting spellwork for his students and clients, Matthew strives to deepen his own spiritual connection through dedicated practices of astrological magic, Hatha yoga, as well as the Daoist meditation and qigong.

“Thank you for your amazing teachings and channelings. You are always MY favorite guest speaker. We are all blessed to be connected to your work & the teachings you share. Thank you for your gifts. Your seminars are jam-packed with so much useful information.”


Tuesday, January 23rd @6:00 - 7:30 pm (MST)

Just put your info below and you will receive an email with all the details to join us live! Time-Zone converter

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It’s Free!