ETP 14// Jenner’s Portal to Self-Expression

ETP #14

I am very lucky that I do get to share my voice in this way. And I urge you to share your heart and share what's important to you.

Hi, everyone. This is my first solo episode of Enter the Portal, and so I wanted to talk about my self-expression journey and the key role it’s played in my transformation. I was really shy when I was young, though you wouldn’t know it if you’ve been to my live workshops or the ReWilding retreat.

In this episode, I dive into the challenges I faced in my childhood with self-expression, a struggle that often left me questioning, “What’s the point?”  As you can imagine, my journey took a significant turn during my Saturn Return in my late 20s. 

I plunged into the depths of self-development, exploring NLP, hypnosis, Ontology, and Kundalini Yoga teacher training.

I’ve also come to realize that squandering self-expression in my early years had roots in generational trauma, so this conversation explores how generational suppression of the feminine and women’s voices and the witch wound had been holding me back too.

00:57 -The Roots of My Self-Expression Journey

05:15 - My Saturn Return, Film School, and a Hidden Talent

08:50 - A Heartbreak Leads to Self-Discovery

15:56 - Embracing the Spiritual Path: Kundalini Yoga and Beyond

24:13 - Generational Wounds and Reclaiming My Voice

33:51 Self-Expression Centered in Wild Ones Community

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Jenner Linden

Jenner Linden is a creative mentor + energy expander + Founder of The Wild Ones - a community of over 10K humans and growing - a space to heal and live your authentic version of the good life. We feature trusted experts, transformative tools and virtual workshops that you can access anywhere in the world. Learn more about Jenner’s journey + how to work with her


ETP 15// Creating the Wild Ones: A Portal to Community


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