Writing + Ritual
Escape the stories others have written about us to keep us small, backing us into a corner of conformity. It’s time to take our creative power back. It’s time to start living your truth.
This workshop will give you surefire ways to start writing your truth and channel potent messages to powerfully shift how you interact with your world.
We all channel.
It’s true. Every day you are receiving messages from the stars, the trees, your ancestors, and the microbes in the soil beneath your feet.
…we even receive messages from the bacteria in the 🜁 air we breathe. They long to be heard and spoken for.
As we enter the darkest part of the year these other-than-human voices speak most clearly. Channeling these messages requires us to let our hearts take the lead.
We want to become heart-centered knower rather than a mind-centered thinker.
In this workshop, Crystal Woodling teaches you how to create a holistic and ritualistic container to prepare your body-mind and receive inspiration with focused intentionality.
You will learn how to use trance states, writing games, and spirited play to keep your ego from getting in the way of artistic truth and creative flow.
"Normally, writing is agony for me. It would have been all day, hours and hours of re-writing and editing to ‘find the right words.’ This morning, the words simply flowed."
-Dawn Michanowicz
Sacred Creation
Crystal will guide you through a two-part journey. First, we’ll explore how modern humans have become all but locked out of our creative birthright.
Then we will engage in rituals and games to produce ⎯1 individual poem and at least 1 collective poem. These poems can serve as seeds 🌱 of many other creative explorations for participants who choose to continue honing them within the Wild Ones Community.
Join us and open your channels. Speak or sing the words flowing through you. This is a profound act of empowerment and connection as you ground yourself in the world-as-it-is.
Sunday, November 19th @6:00 - 7:30 pm (CDT)
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It’s Free!
By the end of 90 min, you will learn…
How to translate channeled messages into concrete language and life guidance.
Tools for creating embodied and supportive community with all of the other-than-human beings in your physical and spiritual ecosystem
A refined structure and practice for channeling the intelligence of your local nature spirits, ancestors, and personal guides.
Rituals and games for clearing blockages to your intuition and keeping your ego from getting in the way while writing
〰️ Free Offering
✦ Sacred Creation
🜃 Potent Practices
〰️ Free Offering ✦ Sacred Creation 🜃 Potent Practices
“We wrote with the rhythms of nature and the images that we stored in our bodies. The words just poured forth effortlessly. When we finished I knew there was no turning back. I was a writer "
--Dillon P.
Crystal Woodling
Crystal is an Appalachian wise woman, poet, herbalist, and Hellenistic astrologer.
She left her job as a creative writing and literature professor to walk across America and begin living her own myth.
She has since guided hundreds of people through initiatory journeys into the intelligence of the invisible world we are embedded within.
Crystal speaks for the spirits, the plants, and the stars…and wants to teach you to speak their tongue.
Sunday, November 19th @6:00 - 7:30 pm (CDT)
Just put your info below and you will receive an email with all the details to join us live! Time-Zone converter
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It’s Free!